Continuing my Abandoned Spaces series, I recently visited St Agnes, a gothic and majestic church just outside downtown Detroit which has been abandoned since late 2006.
Following its completion in the 1920s, the church quickly grew and by the mid fifties was the focal point of a thriving community serving approximately 1,600 families, three priests, 22 nuns and an adjacent girl's high schools with just under two hundred students.
However, by the mid 1980s the LaSalle neighbourhood in which it sits, had become run down and dilapidated leaving the church with only 160 families worshiping at the space. Although a number of cost cutting measures were made to try and save the church, it was soon deemed impractical to keep it open and it was forced to close in 2006. Coincidentally, St Agnes once so splendid and grand, even hosted a sermon by Mother Theresa in the 1980s where she spoke to thousands; she even insisted that all food provided at the event be given to the poor.
As with so many of Detroit's ornate buildings since closing, scrappers have colonized the space removing all the valuable piping from the organ whilst precious glazed tiling from walls and pillars has been stripped away. On entering, I also noticed that weather and further vandalism has ripped away much of the facade as the floor literally crumbled under foot as I carefully explored the space with my cameras. As with all abandoned churches, it is somewhat creepy and a little eery to see places of worship in such a sad and sorry state.
I hope my photographs do the space justify. I certainly feel that they are a worthwhile addition to my ongoing series which I hope to exhibit soon.
The Entrance to St Agnes Church through the main double doors which are now padlocked shut.
A view of the inside of St Agnes Church, Detroit where one can clearly see where the floor has broken up and valuable tiling stripped from the walls and pillars by scrappers.
One solitary church pew remains in the abandoned St Agnes Church in Detroit, Michigan.
I always thought this guy was a character from the Adams family - in fact I’ve been told by the folks over at that it’s actually Grandpa from the Munsters; his face was tagged all over the abandoned church.
A better view of the destruction and warping of the pillars inside the abandoned St Agnes Church, Detroit. Michigan.
I love the way the light streamed through the huge church window which would have formerly been stained glass, illuminating the church pew.
The stairs leading up/down to the balcony.
A view from the balcony of the abandoned St Agnes Church in Detroit, Michigan showing the extent of the damage to the space.